2024.05.13 (월)

  • 맑음춘천 20.1℃
  • 구름조금서울 19.1℃
  • 맑음인천 16.6℃
  • 맑음원주 20.9℃
  • 맑음수원 18.1℃
  • 맑음청주 20.7℃
  • 맑음대전 18.8℃
  • 맑음포항 17.5℃
  • 맑음군산 16.5℃
  • 맑음대구 20.2℃
  • 맑음전주 19.0℃
  • 맑음울산 15.1℃
  • 맑음창원 16.3℃
  • 맑음광주 19.1℃
  • 맑음부산 16.6℃
  • 맑음목포 16.7℃
  • 맑음여수 18.0℃
  • 맑음제주 17.8℃
  • 맑음천안 19.1℃
  • 맑음경주시 16.5℃
기상청 제공

방글라데시 청년에게 온 편지 - Md Mostafizur Rahman

Bangladesh is located in the north-eastern part of
South Asia.We got freedom from Pakistan in 1971.The country commands a land
area of about 1,47,570 square kilometres The capital city Is Dhaka Eight
divisional headquarters. In total, there are 64 administrative districts and
488 upazilas

Healthcare in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh there are 1,683
hospitals, 678 of which are government funded while 1,005 are privately funded.
Many of the privately funded hospitals are medical teaching facilities,. 

. Although basic care is free in
government funded hospitals, many patients end up being billed for the costs of
medicine and tests. 

The best hospitals includes Apollo
Hospital, Square Hospital and United Hospital. Foreigners living in Bangladesh
should take out comprehensive international health insurance.

Transportation in Bangladesh

Due to the extremely dense
population of Bangladesh, the roads suffer from frequent and severe traffic
jams. This makes driving in the cities very difficult and unpleasant due to
issues with air pollution, dangerous driving and common road rage

There is a vast selection of
vehicles on the roads and highways of Bangladesh, including minibuses, cars,
rickshaws, tractors with trays filled with travelling people, motorbikes,
scooters, bikes and water buffalo carts. Big cities such as Rajshahi and Khulna
most commonly use mini-tractors called nazamans for public


The educational system in Bangladesh
has three major stages - primary, secondary and higher education. secondary.
Private schools receive strong financial support from the state. The tertiary
education (3-5 years) is provided through universities (34 public and 80
private universities) and affiliated colleges under the supervision of the
University Grants Commission. Establishment of private universities has gained
momentum in recent years. At all levels, students can choose the medium of
education in either Bangla or English.

Most expatriates, who choose to
educate their children in Bangladesh, send them to private schools. There are
international, American and British schools in Dhaka.

ethics and traditions

Local laws reflect the fact that
Bangladesh is an Islamic country. You should respect local customs and
sensitivities at all times, especially during the holy month of
Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas.

You should dress modestly at all
times. Men and women should cover their shoulders and legs when in public; low
cut tops should be avoided. Women should always cover their heads when entering
mosques or other holy places and when travelling in rural areas. You should
carry some form of photo ID at all times, preferably a photocopy of your
passport and current visa or local ID card if you have one.


Safety and Security in Bangladesh

The country is mostly safe and the
crime level in most regions is relatively low. However, crime — particularly
theft — does occur throughout Bangladesh, especially in crowded cities. Armed
robbery, pick pocketing and purse snatching sometimes occur, so foreign
nationals should avoid carrying large amounts of cash and wearing noticeable

Work Permits for Bangladesh

All foreign nationals seeking paid
employment in Bangladesh must be in possession of a valid work permit.Three
different government bodies are in charge of issuing work permits for
Bangladesh. The Board of Investment issues work permits for industrial enterprise,
branch office and liaison office jobs in the private sector that are outside of
the Processing Zone. Employment of expats in the export promotion zones, which
include investment opportunities, proposals and reports, are handled by the
Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA). For work in any
non-governmental organization in Bangladesh, foreigners will be issued a work
permit by the NGO Affairs Bureau. 

In order to be issued with a work
permit, the Bangladeshi embassy must be supplied with a letter of employment
from the business in Bangladesh and a confirmation letter of concurrence from
the relevant governing body (either BOI, BEPZA or NGOAB). More information and
advice can be obtained from the nearest Bangladeshi embassy or from the website of
the Ministry of Foreign

Income Taxation in Bangladesh

Males and females pay different
rates of income tax in Bangladesh. Anyone other than female taxpayers and
citizens above 65 years of age is not eligible to pay any tax on earnings below
220,000 BDT. Earnings of 300,000 BDT are taxed at 20% and incomes above this
amount are charged 25% income tax. Women are charged no tax up to 250,000 BDT,
10% on the next 300,000, 20% on the next 300,000 and then 25% for any higher


There are so many things to be
enjoyed here. Perhaps one of the most popular activities is that of sunning
yourself on the exquisite white sandy beaches of Cox's Bazaar and Teknaaf. Both
beaches are situated on the eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal and are
relatively unspoilt by tourists making them a great place to spend vacation
time. Another attraction is the many archaeological sites in the country. They
are interesting from a cultural and architectural point of view and can be
fascinating to tour. Bangladesh's other attraction is a bit more lively – the
Royal Bengal Tigers . These stunning big cats are somewhat protected in the
country and are stunning to behold!

, the largest tea gardens and some
amazing exotic animal life. To top it off, the people of the country are
colorful and friendly and have a fascinating culture. There is a lot to do
here. Most of the activities give you the opportunity to take in the beautiful
green mountains, sparkling rivers and clear vistas. The natural wealth of the
area is, in many respects, unbeatable. Bangladesh is a paradise just waiting to
be discovered!


Bangladeshis are
essentially simple in nature. Since time immemorial they are noted for their
valour and resilience as well as hospitality and friendliness. Bangladeshis are
also equally known for their creativity. They have an innate quality of open
a area of natural beauties. Her natural areas stuffed with fantastic
vegetation, the clean blue and gloomy sky, her moonlit and pitch-dark night all
these present moments of loving attraction and elegance.

I am proud of my country.