2024.05.02 (목)

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기상청 제공

[영문] Trina Solar launches Vertex S+ 445W n type dual-glass modules

신재생에너지 열전!


for rooftops


Trina Solar, a leading global PV and smart energy total solution provider, launched a new generation of rooftop modules at the Genera trade fair in Madrid, Spain, on February 21: the Vertex S+ n type dual-glass product line with output power reaching 445W, the highest in an area of less than 2 square meters. These modules, combining several cutting-edge technologies, featuring the power warranty up to 30 years, have already entered mass production.


When it comes to selecting solar modules for rooftops, installers and their customers are looking for three things: Maximum power output from limited space; trouble-free installation and operations over decades; and good looks on the roof. This is precisely where Trina Solar's new Vertex S+ series comes into play.




Meeting every taste: Optimal bifacial and monofacial options under 2 sqm


Rooftops and individual preferences may differ slightly between application scenarios. Therefore, Vertex S+ is available in two specifications. The monofacial NEG9R.28 comes with a white rear encapsulant for maximum output power boasting up to 445Wp and efficiency reaching 22.3%. In contrast, the transparent NEG9RC.27 is the preferred option for high-end aesthetic applications, for example on residential rooftops where the array would all but disappear optically. This bifacial module features a front side power of 435Wp, at 21.8% efficiency. Both types feature a surface area of just under 2 square meters (1'762*1'134*30mm) and a black aluminum frame.


A powerful heart: n type cells


As all Trina Solar modules, Vertex S+ is based on the 210mm Vertex technology platform. However, thanks to the shift to n type i-TOPCon cells, the module can generate approximately 10% extra energy over 30 years, compared to its p type peers. Moreover, n type cells have a 50% lower initial degradation and an 11% lower annual power attenuation. Both factors combined - higher power and lower degradation - result in a substantially boosted energy yield over the module's lifetime, and improved reliability.


Trina Solar has ramped up its brand new, vertically integrated n type factory securing supply of n-type i-TOPCon cells for modules of all sizes.


Reliable and sustainable: Dual-glass structure


Vertex S+ is the first rooftop module on the market to feature a robust dual-glass structure, replacing the plastic backsheet with a second layer of glass. As such, dual-glass designs are highly reliable and a perfect protection over decades, making this module structure extremely resistant to salt spray, acids, and alkalis. Glass is a perfect and symmetrical sealant, thus ensuring zero moisture penetration and minimizing stress on the cells. Also, Vertex dual-glass modules boast the highest possible fire safety. But not only that - omitting the backsheet also reduces the use of plastics, further improving the module's environmental footprint and recycling when it comes to the end of its lifetime.


Handling and compatibility: Designed with the installer in mind


Due to advances in glass processing, Trina Solar was able to use two layers of ultra-thin glass with just 1.6mm thickness, leading to a low weight of 21.1kg, which is comparable to backsheet modules. This means that installers can handle the new Vertex S+ on the roof just as they have always handled conventional PV modules.


When it comes to installation, Vertex S+ is highly compatible with other BOS components. It offers a variety of mounting methods including short side and long side clamping, crossed beam, shared rail and slide-in mounting. Thanks to its short circuit current of 10.7A, it is also compatible with more than 99% of mainstream inverters in the market, as verified by a comprehensive compatibility analysis.


Peace of mind for 30 years and beyond


PV systems built with Vertex S+ will still provide solar power to our children and grandchildren, given that the product comes with an ultra-long 30-year performance warranty. Mechanical integrity is guaranteed for a full 25 years, rather than the 15-year industry standard. These extended warranties are proof of Trina Solar's trust in its dual-glass technology and long-term performance of n-type cells.


Creating customer value and trust


Vertex S+ will greatly help installers with a solid value proposition, enabling them to offer customers the best investment in terms of guaranteed and increased solar power. Featuring an innovative lightweight dual-glass structure, it has superior performance and safety benefits. By introducing more glass, the use of plastic is reduced, and durability increased, extending the life and recyclability of the panel.


This product creates added value both for installers and end customers in dimensions of energy yield, durability, and sustainability - in short, future-proof solar power.


Source: Trina Solar Co., Ltd

평택북부장애인복지관 · 평택북부장애인복지관 부모회, 2024년 상반기 ‘더 나눔 바자회’ 진행
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